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For this assignment I was required to create a logo, packaging that would hold 6 beer bottles, and bottle label designs including bottle cap, necktie, front, and back labels. The company is based off the idea of different types of sailors and their life at sea so I wanted to create a brand that expressed their aesthetic and lifestyle. I researched different types of tattoos that sailors wore and that had significance to what their life was like at sea. I incorporated this concept into the illustrations for this packaging. I also experimented with hand done typography to help compliment the illustrations.  


For this assignment I was required to create a logo, packaging that would hold 6 beer bottles, and bottle label designs including bottle cap, necktie, front, and back labels. The company is based off the idea of different types of sailors and their life at sea so I wanted to create a brand that expressed their aesthetic and lifestyle. I researched different types of tattoos that sailors wore and that had significance to what their life was like at sea. I incorporated this concept into the illustrations for this packaging. I also experimented with hand done typography to help compliment the illustrations.